Biology 1113 Exam 1 Wrapper
Name: ________________________________
- Approximately how much time did you spend studying for the exam? ______________
- What percentage of that total time was spent for each of the following?
- Reading the textbook _______
- Reviewing Mastering Biology ______
- Reviewing quizzes ______
- Reviewing in class assignments ______
- Solving problems for practice ______
- Reviewing your notes ______
- Reviewing materials from the course website _______
If so, what were those materials? _________________________________
- Other ______
Please specify _________________________________________
- How many points did you lose from the exam for each of the following sections?
- Cell Structure ______
- Macromolecules _______
- Cell Communication _______
- Cellular Respiration ________
- Photosynthesis ________
- Lack of understanding of concepts ________
- Not knowing how to approach the problem ________
- Careless mistakes _______
- Other ________
Please specify _________
- Based on your responses above, name three things you plan to do differently to prepare for the next exam.
- Is there anything that you would like me to do differently to help you learn better?
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