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Biology 1113 Exam 1 Wrapper

Name: ________________________________


  1. Approximately how much time did you spend studying for the exam?  ______________


  1. What percentage of that total time was spent for each of the following?
  1. Reading the textbook _______
  2. Reviewing Mastering Biology ______
  3. Reviewing quizzes ______
  4. Reviewing in class assignments ______
  5. Solving problems for practice ______
  6. Reviewing your notes ______
  7. Reviewing materials from the course website _______

If so, what were those materials?  _________________________________

  1. Other ______

Please specify _________________________________________


  1. How many points did you lose from the exam for each of the following sections?
  1. Cell Structure ______
  2. Macromolecules _______
  3. Cell Communication _______
  4. Cellular Respiration ________
  5. Photosynthesis ________
  6. Lack of understanding of concepts ________
  7. Not knowing how to approach the problem ________
  8. Careless mistakes _______
  9. Other ________

Please specify _________


  1. Based on your responses above, name three things you plan to do differently to prepare for the next exam.



  1. Is there anything that you would like me to do differently to help you learn better?




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