In Chapter 8 of the video the first defense witness, Dr. Michael Behe, is on the stand giving his definition of intelligent design. He gives an example to support his claim that some organisms are too complex in order to have developed randomly. The example he gives is that of the bacterial flagellum. The bacterial flagellum has a motor-like structure that give the bacteria a rotating motion which propels the organism through its' environment. According to Dr. Behe, this structure is "irreducibly complex" and therefore could not have evolved by natural selection. As the video continues, an example is given to refute this idea. A similar structure found in bacterium that causes the bubonic plague. While this structure is much less complex then that found in bacterial flagellum, it has many of the same structures and is made up of many of the same proteins. The video states that the fact that a much simpler form of the bacterial flagellum motor exists shows that it could have evolved from a much simpler form.
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