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Central Dogma -- Genes to Phenotype Teachable Tidbit


In this approximatley 20 to 25 minute lecture activity, students work collaboratively in groups to learn about the genetic basis of, and molecular mechanisms behind, the variation observed in squirrel coat color. As components of the activity, students will respond in groups to clicker style questions, and will work together to complete a worksheet that, ultimately, requires the construction of a model to represent the gene-to-phenotype sequence that results in the coat color variation observed in a population.






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Active Learning

Backward Design



This tidbit includes a variety of instructional and active learning strategies, including think-pair-share, group worksheets and clicker questions, modeling exercises, etc.

This tidbit was developed as a result of instructors wanting students to be able to explain how cellular and molecular processes can provide variability on which natural selection can act at the population level and recognize this in multiple biological systems. From this original goal, specific learning outcomes were identified and composed, and all subsequent activity design was aligned with these intended outcomes.

Summative Assessment:

  • final flowcharts mapping the specific model of squirrel coat color and the MC1R gene mutation. 

Formative assessment activities include:

  • general mapping of gene to protein to phenotype to population changes and discussion of what students generated
    • addresses learning outcome 1
  • Clicker questions asked throughout the tidbit and discussions following each question
    • addresses learning outcomes 2-5
  • Throughout the tidbit, instructor (and/or TAs) will observe and answer questions about presented information and material

Diverse learning styles will be accommodated through the use of a variety of methods, information is presented both aurally and visually, students have opportunity to both read and write, groups will be composed of diverse learners, and inclusive language is used.


Files associated with this Teachable Tidbit can be downloaded directly using these links:

Squirrel Color Worksheet

Squirrel Tidbit Plan of Activities (Timeline)

Squirrel Tidbit Executive Summary

Squirrel Tidbit Presentation (PowerPoint)


Activity Details:


-          Valerie Gilbert (

-          Liz Beggrow (

​-          Jon Picking (

-          Kelsey R. Bowers (

​-          Facilitated by David Sovic


​​Learning Goal(s):

Students will explain how cellular and molecular processes can provide variability on which natural selection can act at the population level and recognize this in multiple biological systems


Learning Outcomes:

 Students should be able to….

  1. ...trace the consequences of a change in DNA to changes in proteins. (Aligns with Bio1113 Learning Outcome 3b)
  2. ...predict effects of lower level changes on higher/upper organizational levels under different conditions. (Aligns with Bio1113 Learning Outcome 3b)
  3. ...predict potential effects of these changes in different environments. (Aligns with Bio1113 Learning Outcome 4c)
  4. ...interpret graphs and figures related to the model system. (Aligns with core competencies of AAAS Vision and Change 2011 report)
  5. ...apply their understanding of the model system to novel contexts. (Aligns with Bio1113 Learning Outcome 4b and core competencies of AAAS Vision and Change 2011 report)

How Diversity is Specifically Addressed:

  • Diverse learning styles will be accommodated through the use of a variety of methods (individual reflection/Think-pair-shares/group work, lecture/worksheet activities/clicker questions/modeling, and information presented aurally and visually (in textual, graphical and image formats) and students asked to read and write.
  • Groups will be comprised of diverse learners in terms of gender, ethnicity, culture and learning styles.
  • Care has been taken to use inclusive language.


Activity Timeline:

The worksheet should be used in tandem with the powerpoint presentation.

0:00 – 2:00 min: Introduce activity, hand out worksheets to groups of 3-4 students.

2:00 – 5:00 min: Have students work on worksheet questions 1 and 2 in groups. (Tidbit Learning Outcome 1)

5:00 – 7:00 min: Show example flowchart, explain steps, allow students time to revise their flowcharts.

7:00 – 11:00 min: First 5 clicker questions to check understanding of squirrel color reading. (Tidbit Learning Outcomes 2 and 4)

11:00 – 13:00 min: Ask for students to share responses to worksheet question 3 (Tidbit Learning Outcomes 2 and 4); show/explain slide with possible responses.

13:00 – 15:00 min: Describe amino acid deletion sequence, ask deletion clicker question, reveal/explain answer.  (Tidbit Learning Outcome 2)

15:00 – 16:00 min: Allow students to do Punnett square (WS question 5), and ask corresponding clicker question.

16:00 – 18:00 min: Ask “trick” clicker question on selection; allow students to discuss in groups advantages/disadvantages of black color (WS question 6). (Tidbit Learning Outcome 3)

18:00 – 20:00 min: Clicker questions on selection/squirrel color. (Tidbit Learning Outcome 3)

20:00 – 22:00 min: Allow students time in groups to complete worksheet question 7 on squirrel color flowchart. (Tidbit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, and 3).

22:00 – 23:00 min: Show example flowchart, explain steps, allow students time to revise their flowcharts.

23:00 – 25:00 min: Introduce novel system (HIV) slide; ask final clicker question on novel system. (Tidbit Learning Outcome 5)

Post-tidbit: Further questions on HIV example or other novel examples can be given as a homework assignment/Carmen quiz/recitation activity to further reinforce Tidbit Learning Outcome 5.